Dropped off in adulthood with no map? You're not crazy!

Turns out, this is a reality for many of us, especially the intelligent ones. We are ready to succeed as adults, but realize we haven't been given the right map. We feel lost for the first time. In this free eBook, I dispel the 7 big myths we're told, and give you the truth so you can find your way out. Enter your info and click "Submit" to get the book now!

Make Your Difference

Take your life from Status Quo to Standing Out

Meet Liz: NASA Rocket Scientist turned Coach

Too many smart, capable people stall out in their progress – plateauing at a place in life that feels unsatisfying. Often, they are overwhelmed with responsibilities while also feeling that they haven’t even touched the potential that’s possible for them.


Liz Antognoli provides a data-driven plan to lead you out of the frustration and overwhelm with clear, executable steps to LEVEL UP your life now – and gives you the ability to re-create your success again and again.


Liz uses Certified High Performance Coaching coupled with her own Logical Evolution Framework to provide you with explanation and implementation designed to bring you clarity and understanding, so that you can confidently take efficient action toward the life satisfaction you crave.

Programs - Courses & Coaching

Your life is too important to leave to chance

If you’re tired of navigating life in the dark, there is an alternative!

If you’re determined to make your impact, it’s time to trade in anxiety for confidence.

If you are certain that an "average" life isn't for you, know that it's possible to generate daily progress and momentum.


Dropped off in adulthood with no map? You're not crazy!

Turns out, this is a reality for many of us, especially the intelligent ones. We are ready to succeed as adults, but realize we haven't been given the right map. We feel lost for the first time. In this free eBook, I dispel the 7 big myths we're told, and give you the truth so you can find your way out. Enter your info and click "Submit" to get the book now!


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